Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bobby's Dad (Bill) finally comes to visit!!!!!

Well Bill finally came to visit us!! We have been trying to get him up here forever. We had such a great time!! Can't wait to get him up here again soon!!!

Rob, Bill, and the envelope! That little envelope gave Bill a bit of grief. He had all of his money in that little envelope. After being here a couple days he couldn't find it and he had no idea where he had it last. Needless to say he was freaking out! That is pretty much all he could think about for 3 days. Well he finally found it. He had shoved it up into the sleeve of his coat so it wouldn't get lost :)

There is the famous envelope again.

1 comment:

Kristin and Jay said...

Does Bobby ALWAYS have his eyes closed in pictures or what? His dad is super cute.